Sunday 9 September 2012

Massaging the world away - 7th August 2012

Total relaxation

I am a sucker for a massage or any form of beauty treatment for that matter. After more years than I can count, I finally convinced James to join me for a couples massage. While he enjoyed it, it turns out he doesn't love them as much as I do (could anyone really – what was I expecting?). I on the other hand was in heaven. You cannot beat a massage, followed up with herbal tea and a little chocolate brownie as you are drift back to reality. When I win the Lotto I will be hiring a masseuse to perform this daily ritual.
Today's experience also led me to the conclusion that a couples massage is actually a weird notion. The whole point of a massage is disappearing into your own world as soothing music and gentle strokes massage your worries and the world away. It's not really an experience that benefits from sharing...or talking. Oh well, at least we can tick it off the list. No harm, and much relaxation, done.  

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