Saturday 4 February 2012

Dancer - 20th Jan 2012

Thanks Coca Cola, you've captured my feelings exactly today. I'm in the mood for dancing, and it's making me smile. In fact, maybe they made this can for me. They are never going to print Patrice on a Coke can, so this is probably my most personalised option. 
Funny story...yesterday I grabbed a can from the fridge at the corner store. The name on it was "Donnar". Obviously I was perplexed. A) That's not how you spell Donna, B) Why are Coke abusing the English language with bizarre spelling of names when they don't make a can that says 'Patrice' and, C) if they are not referring to a person are they referring to a kebab?
The answer revealed itself when I went to the same fridge the next day. "Rudolph" read the next can. They are not naming late night boozy meals or channeling my inner dancing queen, no, they're reindeers. It's left over stock from the Christmas. It seems it's not all about me!


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