Wednesday 4 April 2012

Can you smell that? - 2nd April 2012

My lovely shirt in Rocco's toy basket 

Having a strong sense of smell is both a blessing and a curse. It' s a blessing when food and perfume are especially pleasing to the nose and I can detect fire at a thousand paces. Curses include involuntary heaving upon entering the fish markets and being able to smell every fart dropped on a crowded dance floor...and believe me, loads of people do this. Today I discovered another curse. There is no escaping the smell of dirty dog emanating from the work shirt you are wearing once your dog has kindly removed it from the clothes horse, placed it in his toy box and sat on it all day. 
I came home last week to find Rocco had done exactly this to my favourite shirt. At the time I was just grateful he hadn't ripped it. It smelt fine once I washed it so I thought we were good to go. But no. Today, every time I moved my head or my body I immediately smelt an odour I wanted to Fabreeze. It was me and I was stuck with it given I couldn't strip in the office.
I am sure you can imagine the horror and hilarity this caused. Can anyone else smell me? Is everyone in my office emailing each other with suggestions of why I smell like a dirty wet dog? Why did I remove that travel size bottle of perfume from my bag last week? Am I exaggerating the smell in my head (possible) or and I getting use to it and it's actually stronger for everyone else (hopefully not)? Oh the torture.
The upside is I can see the very funny side - now that I am home, showered, fresh and smelling like roses. Thanks Rocco.

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