Saturday 15 December 2012

I drugged our dog - 3rd Dec 2012

A doped out Cuba

Oh my god I feel terrible. I have become the dog equivalent of the parent who doses their kid up with baby Panadol just to get some sleep. It turns out Cuba is not adjusting well to the new environment. To make sure we, and the neighbours, are aware of this, she howls like a wolf as soon as she wakes at 5.30am each morning. One neighbour has complained, telling me he thought "a woman was being strangled." Oh the shame. I've resorted to sleeping on the lounge from 5.30am onwards so she will stop howling and I can get some sleep. I am at the end of my tether and ready to offer her to the RSPCA.
Today I went to the pet shop to buy some food. I got talking to the shop assistant. One minute I was contemplating letting Cuba sleep in my bedroom, the next I was memorised by the shop assistant’s talk of herbal tablets that relax dogs and calm their nerves. She was sure to tell me they were "all natural".  I didn't really care. Before I could say sleep deprivation, I was shouting "Yes yes, give them to me."
And so I did it, I drugged her. I laced her food with puppy Panadol. I feel bad. I am a terrible puppy parent. But, the change was remarkable. Within 15 minutes Cuba was flat out and asleep on the lounge. When she woke, she as so dopey she struggled to life her eye lids. She lasted 10 minutes and went back to sleep.
OMG, I feel so terrible. To ease my guilt I made a deal with myself. The doggy Panadol is only for very special occasions from now on. I promise. Right now, I am just grateful for the drugs and the sleep I will be getting tomorrow morning – in my bed no less.

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