Sunday 14 October 2012

Wet wet foot - 2nd October 2012

It was bound to happen!

Yes...your are correct. I am drying my bandaged foot with a hairdryer. I am an idiot – need I say more. It's been almost a week since the surgery and until today I had managed to keep my foot dry with a high tech combination of a garbage bag and masking tape while in the shower. But I got cocky. Tonight, feeling smug about my wrapping skills, I did a quick whirl of the masking tape and jumped in. As the hot water cascaded down my back I noticed an odd sensational. It felt like a torrent of warm water was flowing down the back of my leg. "How funny that I can feel the warmth through the garbage bag," I thought. It turns out that feeling wasn't a sensation. I was actual water running down my leg. 
In a bid to dry the wet bandages I attacked my foot with a hairdryer for half an hour. I thought I'd nailed it. Foot finally damage done. That is until I noticed an intense burning sensation in my three littlest toes. It turns out I burnt my toes in the dryer process! That happens when you forget you don't have feeling in your foot. Oh well, at least I gave myself a good laugh in the process.

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