Sunday 10 June 2012

The collar of shame - 22nd May 2012

Imagine this on Roccos head

Hope is what we started the day out with in the Gibbons/Rule household. The hope was that our crazy puppy would go off to the vet and come back tonight not only de-sexed, but no longer suffering from the dog version of ADHD. Is it bad that I hoped he would at least be a bit quite from the anesthetic for a day or two? Actually don’t answer that.
As I sit writing this post late at night, we not longer have hope. Rocco lost his manhood but no spring from his step. That hope however as been replaced with laughter. He is now running around the house with a plastic bucket like contraption on his head to stop him biting the wound. It’s hilarious watching him run, jump and wrestle Cuba with it on. There is also an unexpected upside. Usually you need to watching him like a hawk on walks outside as he eats anything he can get his mouth near (food, wood, plastic, cockroaches and something that looked like a dreadlock). But with the bucket, there is a constant scrapping sound as he walks with his nose to the ground. It’s perfect. The minute the scrapings stops you know he is eating something. This bucket may become a permanent fixture.

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