What an awesome find. |
Don't you just love it when you find something you thought you'd lost, especially when it's cash. It’s like finding hidden treasure. We have a term to describe such events in our house. The item in question has been 'Patriced' not lost. You see, I have a bad habit of putting things down and suddenly forgetting where I left them. Sometimes I just put them in stupid places (bottom of my hand bag or non-related location in the house) and other times the 'Patricing' occurs because I’ve hidden them in a special place. I just can’t remember where that special place is. Today's belly laugh came in the moment I opened my calendar diary. There is was – a hidden treasure of $300. After searching for it over the past six weeks, I finally convinced myself I’d spent it. I love it when life surprises on the upside. The feeling of excitement upon discovering the money far outweighed the feelings of stupidity I had for 'Patricing" it. Score! Cue shoe shopping.