Monday, 11 November 2013

From the mouths of babes - 11th November 2013

Day 1: I've always loved a good hat/head dress 
When I was six my Nanna asked me what I wanted to do when I grew up. I vividly remember answering, "I want to change the world." They were lofty dreams for a six year old, but today for the first time since that moment 30 years ago, I finally feel like I am making a real and positive change in the world. It's only a small difference, but it's still a difference.
As many of you know, I'm currently in Uganda taking part in The Hunger Project & Business Chicks Leadership and Immersion Program. Myself and 20 other women raised over $10,000 each for the charity and its work in driving sustainable change and development amongst the world's poorest. Today we had our first insight into the impact our fundraising will have on the lives of woman and their families in Uganda. The impact is powerful.
Here is a snapshot of how the lives of those engaging with The Hunger Project (THP) through their 11 epicentres across Uganda are being changed for the better:
  • 85% now have sufficient food in their homes
  • 78% have attended HIV/AIDS counselling sessions and 53% have been tested
  • 80% of children at the Epicentres are vaccinated
  • 72% of households now have a mozzie net (as malaria kills more people than HIV/AIDS)
  • 70% of pregnant woman seek antenatal classes
The biggest change these people have been required to make to to achieve the above is a change in mindset. They've needed to let go of old ways, habits and thinking based on a 'this is how we've always done it' mentality. Letting go of the things holding them back has helped change their lives for the better.
It's only a Day 1 but I'm already astounded by the impact this program is having on my life. I'm taking up the challenge to let go of the well-formed habits holding me back, and acting as barriers to change. I'm trying to imagine my life if I open it up to all the possibilities. Most of all, I'm relishing the opportunity to make the dream from the six-year-old me a reality. It's not everyday you get the opportunity to do that!

For someone has elected not to have kids, I am in severe danger of trying to bring a gorgeous child home!